As Lent comes to a close… – April 24th, 2019
It has been some time since my last blog post, and I must apologize for that. I have been busy as of late. I have returned to school to finish the next step in my education, and also in working towards my goal of publication. I have started online classes with Sterling College in Kansas. I hope that in roughly two years time I can get my Bachelors in History to get to a point to where I will be allowed to write a thesis for my Th.M. I am trying to see what classes from my seminary education I can get applied towards that end. They are eight week courses, so are super condensed, and now being in the middle of Holy Week, I don’t know how will manage, but I have faith things will work out.
Once I do finally get my Masters, I can set school aside and continue my work on writing, and reading a list of books towards that end. I want to get my second draft of “A Simple Catechism of the Orthodox Church” into a final draft, and then seek approval from his Eminence for publication and use within the Russian Orthodox Church abroad, especially since we are seeking to begin online catechism classes to help the newcomers coming into the Church.
As Great and Holy Lent comes to a close, I do find it odd that there seems to have been an increase in hostile dialogue between Catholics and Protestants, and even a few Orthodox and Protestants as well. While I understand their position, they nor I have the right or ability to determine who does or does not possess a divine calling. We can say with absolute certainty where the Church is, but by no means can we say where it is not. Now, certainly, those with heresy and error in their mouths are anathema, and not considered by any means a part of the body, but I know with certainty that there are many God loving people in the scattered and distorted protestant milieu that will be welcomed.
Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy upon us.