
Beauty – January 22, 2019

Plato has said that Beauty is a convincing power of truth. God is beautiful, for he is indeed called the beautiful one, but beauty’s attestation to truth is but one reason why the Evil One labors to use beauty to such great affect.

“Beauty exist to reach us and make us capable of receiving the message in a way that convinces us totally: to the extent each of us is capable of receiving the message, as completely as we can contain, but completely.” ~Met. Anthony Bloom.

With that being said, what is beautiful to the beholder is wholly dependent on what resides in the heart, for it is there that these messages dwell, and here we find our longing for beauty, whatever that may look like. Our desire and sense of beauty comes from that which we hold within our own hearts, for it is in the heart where beauty dwells. An acceptance or recognition of beauty through intellect or passion is simply an aesthetic pleasure, but true beauty lies just beneath the surface of love, and it is what we love that we find truly beautiful.

Incarnating our Prayer life.

Incarnating our prayer life – January 8th, 2019

Our prayer life should be lived, and our prayers should be interwoven with our life, otherwise they become vestigial words and phrases that we simply offer in our short periods we turn towards God. Our prayers and our actions should become two expressions of the same situation.

Incarnate Holiness

Incarnate Holiness – January 8th, 2018

Holiness is the Love of God at work in a concrete, active, and deliberate act. Yet, Holiness is never an individual act. It is a situation, and an act that not only implies the totality of the Church, but that we are also members of the created world around us. ~ God and Man, Metropolitan Anthony Bloom

The Holiness of the Church should express both the presence of Christ and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in each of its members and in the totality of its body. For the Church is the body of Christ, the locus of our encounter and participation with Christ, and thus the holiness of God. We are called to be partakers of His divine nature, and it is within and as the Church by which we accomplish this participatory act.

The Light of Joy

The Light of Joy – January 3,rd, 2019

Remain in those prayers and spiritual labors that bring you great joy, for the joy of the Lord surpasses all others. Become the prayer you seek, for ours is an active faith. Those who remain in the light of such Joy, seldom fall into darkness of mind.